Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Song from a Soul

Laju-laju lagi mengejar pelangi,
Laju-laju lagi mengejar harapan
Laju-laju lagi mengejar cita-cita ,
Laju-laju lagi mengapai bintang.

Usah kau bersedih,
Jikalau kau gagal,
Kerna kejayaan itu..

Perlukan  suatu perngorbanan,
Kau harus bangun semula

Laju-laju lagi kuatkan hati mu,
Laju-laju lagi gigihkan usaha,
Jadikan kegagalan , suatu pengajaran
Untuk kita maju kehadapan,

Usah kau bersedih,
Jikalau kau gagal,
Kerna kejayaan itu..

Perlukan  suatu perngorbanan,
Kau harus bangun semula

Think. Believe. Apply

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What is Love Meant to be?

I do admire Love. I signify love as a profoundly tender, warm, deep and passionate affection that can caused a strong predilection and affectionate concern for the well being of another person. That is why when you love somebody and overwhelmed by it, you will feel like only you and the person you love exist in this world. No one else does.

Is it hard to say "I love you"?
To me, yes it is if you want to say it with your heart not with your lust. There are many ways to alternatively say "I love you" such as "I need you", "I adore you" or " I'm yours". That's so simple. But if you say it with your heart you won't use just those three or two words above because your heart want to utter more than that. Your heart want to say:

" Everyday when I open my eyes and look at the sky, no matter how beautiful the sky is, I do not see anything else other than your complexion. The though of you brings happiness to my life and has lift me up to touch the sky and afloat with your love . Your love guided me and without you, I'm lost in desert. You've turn the darkness into light like a candle burning bright.
My love, you are a gift from God. You mean the world to me and have turned my world upside down. You are a dream come true and you are all that I want. You complete me and you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much and I hope we will be together, forever."

While most of youngsters playing with love and put a disgrace onto it, I'm still in my exploration to find a true love. Love that I will endured forever. I know it isn't easy but I believe that love still exist in this world.

Think. Believe. Apply

Friday, February 11, 2011


The truth has win and the corrupted unabashed regime has fall down and will never get up again. People power has forced the regime to admit that violating human right and using brutal force to overcome peaceful demonstration will never halt the progressive force of revolution. Youth blood is filled with determination and they has proved that they will not stop expressing their thought unless their goal are achieved or they rather die than living in oppression and inequity.

Couples hours ago, Hosni Mubarak has announced that he admitted the power of the people is too strong to be overcome by media manipulation and police brutality. He surrendered. He couldn't fight anymore because he has nothing left other than disgrace. His pride and dignity were torn apart.

Serve you right Hosni Mubarak. Your hand were covered with innocent's blood. You are a disgrace to your motherland.

Love our nation. Leaders need to beware that their power are depend on the people. Defend human rights and justice.

Think. Believe. Apply


Day by day, humanity torn apart. Our voice and thought were oppressed by our lust-driven inner side via the satanic highway to cruelty. Are we still human or we already lost all of our values that vary us from animals or perhaps from the Satan. Just imagine how beautiful life is but why human take it for granted and waste it like we will live forever. Are we human, immortal? We're playing god that we're not supposed to. Living is not just having 24 hours per day, it's more than that. Living is about enjoying every moment that God blessed us with. Some people believe that life is all about giving. I cannot agree more and I sincerely salute the man in the video below.

Giving all we have even-though we're in a very comfortable position that we could heedlessly ignore others and living our life like we selfishly want. Giving, not taking. That's life supposed to be.
In the other aspect, we supposed to give the nature the "natural" that they've preserved for a long time, not to take. Rivers were polluted with human thrashes. The air were terrorized by industrial release and forest burning. Centuries year old forest were logged without any effort to grow it back. Just beware human, when resources reach it carrying capacity, you'll know whether the chicken little is lying or not. Devastating effects will destroy us like we destroy the nature.

Remember, the way we live now will significantly effect the next generation. We may start now, change.

Think. Believe. Apply